About the trip

The organisers

Elizabeth Zagroba and Gwen Diagram


A study trip to Scotland for people interested in testing to deep dive into a specific topic.


Saturday, 29 Aug 2020 to Saturday, 05 Sep 2020. Postponed until 2021. For details about what the week will look like, please refer to the schedule.


Up to 17 people. The organisers will seek a balance of participants from among those interested.


We have booked a large house and cottages in Perth, Scotland. To maximise study time and to keep costs down, Gwen has suggested a friend to attend who can look after cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner at a cost of £1000 and free accommodation.

Registration isn't open yet, but give us your name and your email here and we'll let you know when it is.


In 2019, Gwen went to Krakow and studied philosophy for three days, ate noodles and had a brilliant time. She would like to extend the learning opportunity to other testers in a serene setting with a discussion at the end.